Have you ever made a handmade rakhi for your dearest brother? If No! Then it is time to think about it. Creating the rakhi with your own hand will be the sweetest thing you have done for your brother. It is quite common that sisters are approaching the physical or online shopping sites to avail of the best set of rakhi collection. But the hand made rakhi is very special as it expresses your unconditional love and affection to your brother. You can easily make the handmade rakhi similar to order rakhi online.
Even though you have ordered for the rakhi set for your brother from the online shopping sites, you can also present the handmade rakhi to him. In order to create and design the handmade rakhi in a more interesting way, you can conduct rakhi making competitions. Instead of conducting the competition in the old and traditional ways, you have to come up with some innovative ideas. Here is the list of top 5 different ideas for conducting rakhi making competition.Â
1. Single Participant
The first and foremost idea to conduct the rakhi making competition is allowing a single participant. As the name indicates, you have to find out the participants, who don't have any teams. First, you have to count the number of single participants that are going to participate in the rakhi making competition.Â
Once after you have taken the participants count, you have to allow a different set of rakhi collections that are obtained from the online shopping sites. The different sets of rakhi collections are personalized rakhi, designer rakhi, Zardosi rakhi, and many more. Set the timer and allow the participants to make the rakhi that is similar to the rakhi that is obtained from the online shopping sites.
 If they come under the category of the personalized rakhi, they have to collect the photocopy image and make use of the images to create the rakhi. For designers and Zardosi rakhi, they have to reproduce the rakhi from online shopping sites. And the winners will be selected based on the count of completed rakhi in the allotted time.
2. Team up!
Even though single participants are recommended, nothing will make the perfect match in the group activities. It is quite common that the sisters will form the group and make use of the send rakhi online to their brothers, who are far away from them. Similar to this, you have to form the sister's group and allow them to create different types of rakhi.Â
There are different types of rakhi available like designer rakhi, personalized rakhi, animal rakhi, toy rakhi, Zardosi rakhi, and many more. You have to set the timer and allow the group of sisters to create different types of rakhi. In the end, you have to select the winning group by considering their counts and the quality of the rakhi.
3. Disturbance by MusicÂ
It is quite easy to buy rakhi online without leaving the place and any disturbances. But it will be quite difficult and fun to create the rakhi by wearing headphones on both participant's ears. You have to insist the participants form the pair and they are allowed to wear the headphone throughout the competitions. Keep their volumes at a high level and allow them to create rakhi. As the rule of the game, only one person is allowed to create rakhi by following the instructions of another person. You can have some weird and funny talks while conducting this type of rakhi making competition.
4. You are not allowed to see it!
The more interesting and fun way to conduct the rakhi competition is by not allowing the participants to see the rakhi. You have to tie their eyes with a cloth and set the timer to create the rakhi. During the entire competition, they are not allowed to see the rakhi. By conducting the rakhi creation competition in this type of way, you are able to find out the funny rakhi. The winner is decided based on the quality of the rakhi.
5. Hands-free RakhiÂ
Another interesting way to conduct the rakhi creation competition is by tying the right hand of the one participant and the left hand of another participant with any cloth. The participant is allowed to use their one hand. This will be one of the funniest ways to conduct the rakhi creation competition.
The above-mentioned are some of the different ways to conduct the rakhi creation competition. In order to present the gifts for the winners, you can shop the different sets of rakhi gifts from the online shopping sites. MyFlowerTree is one of the top-notch online shopping sites that is having a wide range of rakhi collections and rakhi gifts. Make use of them and shop the best rakhi and rakhi gifts for your brother and winners of the rakhi creating competition.Â